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Book appointments with our physical therapist, Dr. Sam. Appointments include rehab exercises and body work (massage, cupping, muscle scraping, etc) as needed. This is best for those having trouble with chronic issues that haven't gone away. Dr. Sam will take an in depth look at movements that cause pain to find the root cause of the issues to make sure the pain goes away, and stays away.
Chiropractic adjustment and body work (massage, cupping, muscle scraping, etc) as deemed appropriate by chiropractor. Dr. Jose will provide thorough treatment for your full appointment.
Wellness and Recovery
These treatments include appointments with both Dr. Sam and Dr. Jose (Physio and Chiro Initial Assessment/ Follow Ups), where you can combine specialties for a comprehensive treatment.
This section also includes hour sessions with each individual doctor targeting recovery and muscle work only. These sessions are commonly booked before or after competitions and/or after difficult workouts. These are often used as one would book a sports massage- for deep muscle work to alleviate tightness.
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